
Saturday, October 2, 2010

"Sintel premiere" by Blender 3D Team

The last project named "Sintel" is better than expected .
I watched all projects and this  is one of the best.
Sintel official page

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A new update for "SEO Starter Guide".

Google say us:
"About two years ago we published our first SEO Starter Guide, which we have since translated into 40 languages..." The new version is more explicit and useful to have it.
Unfortunately, it is not translated in all languages.
I wonder why Google does not use the open source community to translate them.
Now we can download the new update from here.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Python, pyuno and OpenOffice

Some time ago, I discovered Python. Then I saw that he can work with the OpenOffice.
Today I will briefly introduce how to do this. I do this in Windows XP, and Windows users could benefit.
In the folder : C:\Program Files\ 3\program there was a file called python.exe.
Go there and type the following script to start OpenOffice:

import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import uno

NoConnectionException = uno.getClass("")
ooffice = 'soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;"'
def start_OOo():
    '''Starts with a listening socket.'''
    # Start and report any errors that
    # occur.
        retcode =, shell=True)
        if retcode < 0:
            print >>sys.stderr, \
                "OOo was terminated by signal", \
        elif retcode > 0:
            print >>sys.stderr, \
                "OOo returned", \
    except OSError, e:
        print >>sys.stderr, "Execution failed:", e
    # Terminate this process when OOo has closed.
    raise SystemExit()
started_OOo = False
if not started_OOo:
    print "Starting OOo"
    started_OOo = True
print "OOo started"
This will start OpenOffice 3.
We can use now python scripts to create any type of file used by OpenOffice.
Let show one image create with few lines :

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My linux counter machine

The Linux Counter website is a good site to share your machine's info.

At Sep 02 2010 16:22:56 GMT, there are
users registered
machines registered
My guess at the number of Linux users:
Twenty-nine million 
My number machine is :

We can use a script to registers or updates a machine's info in the counter.
The script allows here.
We can use add, update and send mail with info about your Linux machine.
We can add a crontab job with -c arg.
The user ID must only be able to send mail and write to its own home directory.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Create html file with bash script using awk

We will present a more special method of using the Linux command line.
This method comes in helping those who need to text or HTML content.
In fact, a combination of Linux commands to get an output.
Suppose we have a list of jpeg files in folder image.
They should exist into HTML to be displayed.
As we know an image has the form:
<img src="image/name_of_jpeg.jpg" alt="" /> 
The list of file is :
My method uses two commands: ll and awk.
First, I will display files:
$ ll | awk '/jpg/ {print $9}'
I created one variable f1.
In these variables put the beginning of each line:
f1=‘<img src="image‘; 
We add two sed commands.
First, remove the space before the file name.
The second will add the rest to complete the link.
The xargs command is used with echo and print the first part of the link.
Finally we use <<< aaaa.html to output the HTML file.
The full script is here .