
Showing posts with label kdenlive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kdenlive. Show all posts

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Fedora 35 : Kdenlive tool.

The new title of this blog is:About Fedora Linux distro
This was my first blog since and now and I wrote my first articles and tutorials using the Linux operating system, especially Fedora distro.
Because I used it so much and it had an impact on my free time. Initially the title was generic "About me and my life" and I later kept it for S.E.O. and because it worked just as well as me.
The new title will not change the content at all and I hope it will come with new and good content.

Let's go back to today's tutorial article: installing kdenlive software.
Kdenlive is a powerful free and open source cross-platform video editing program made by the KDE community.
The last release was on Jan 7, 2022.
I use the DNF utility as follows:
[root@fedora mythcat]# dnf search kdenlive
Last metadata expiration check: 1:20:50 ago on Sat 22 Jan 2022 06:05:54 PM EET.
======================== Name Exactly Matched: kdenlive ========================
kdenlive.x86_64 : Non-linear video editor
[root@fedora mythcat]# dnf install kdenlive
Last metadata expiration check: 1:21:05 ago on Sat 22 Jan 2022 06:05:54 PM EET.
Dependencies resolved.
After install I run well with this software:
[mythcat@fedora ~]$ kdenlive
QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
Invalid metadata for  "audiochannels"
Failed to parse "audiochannels"
Invalid metadata for  "audioconvert"
Failed to parse "audioconvert"
Invalid metadata for  "data_feed"
Failed to parse "data_feed"
Invalid metadata for  "imageconvert"
Failed to parse "imageconvert"
Invalid metadata for  "jack"
Failed to parse "jack"
Empty metadata for  "crop_detect"
Invalid metadata for  "glsl.manager"
Failed to parse "glsl.manager"
Invalid metadata for  "movit.convert"
This is a screenshot of the running program: