
Showing posts with label Bookworm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bookworm. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Fedora 32 : Testing the Bookworm software.

The current version of Bookworm (v1.1.2) supports eBooks in the following file formats: EPUB, PDF, MOBI, FB2, CBR, CBZ.

First, I install this software with dnf tool:

[root@desk mythcat]# dnf install bookworm.x86_64 


I tested with some old EPUB and PDF files and I'm not very happy with formatting text on the page.

HI tested with some old EPUB and PDF files and I'm not very happy with the formatting for certain texts on the page, like source code in programming.

Bookworm does one thing and does it well for this simple reader.

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