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Friday, April 29, 2016
News: About Fedora 24 Alpha.
I used Fedora 24 Alpha because is a great operating system.
First I will share some links with more info about Fedora 24 Alpha.
If you want to read about the release schedule for Fedora 24, then take a look at Fedora 24 - Releases Schedule.
What is Alpha a release?
A release contains all the features of Fedora editions in a form that anyone can help test.
Where you can get it?
You can read and download this release from here.
...now about testing the new Fedora 24.
You can make one Live DVD /CD or just use one virtual machine software like Virtual Box.
The Virtual Box software from Oracle it is an x86 virtualization software not just for Linux distro but also for any operating system. You find many tutorials about how to do that.
So, I install the new Fedora 24 Alpha and I test it.
First, the team makes a great job with this features:
- not many packages ;
- the speed of my VirtualBox is good with virtual Hyper-V, enabled 3D - Acceleration and 64 Mb on video was under 1 min to see the first screen and almost 2 min to start the GUI install on a hard disk with my old Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 2117U has 1.80GHz;
- the design starts with a beautiful wallpaper;
- the installation GUI is simple;
- the size on disk to make the first update I used is 15Gb - is too much for me;
- the initial size of the installation comes with ~6Gb;
- the last Virtual Box version 5.0.18 r106667 come with full network settings so you can use the internet to update Fedora packages and use the browser.
I don't use this distro with Live DVD or install on my HDD but you can do that...
I want to make this article more complex but is enough for now ...
Posted by
Cătălin George Feștilă
2016 news,
Fedora 24,
linux tools,