
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Fedora 39 : FASM tool in Fedora.

I searched the internet about the FASM tool and found references that it would be included in the Ubuntu distribution.
If you want to use FASM with the related language in the Fedora Linux distribution, then find the commands in the image below:

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Fedora 39 : Test with eDEX-UI.

eDEX-UI is a fullscreen, cross-platform terminal emulator and system monitor that looks and feels like a sci-fi computer interface.
This can be found on this GitHub project.
This is version for 64-bit Machines, you can download it with:
$ wget -c
Change the file to be executable:
$ chmod +x eDEX-UI-Linux-x86_64.AppImage
Use this command:
$ ./eDEX-UI-Linux-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract
Go to this folder:
$ cd squashfs-root
Run the application:
$ ./AppRun
This is the result of running the application:

Fedora 39 : Resize the vdi file for VirtualBox.

NOTE : This will not change the size of the Linux partition. I tried to change the size in fedora linux with specific commands, but I didn't succeed. The distribution I tried was a server without a graphical environment so I could also try gparted software.
It is good to use the Fedora Linux distribution for tests and feedback to the Fedora team on a hardware system, such as an old laptop.
For quick tests and to save time, you can also install a version on VirtualBox, and sometimes you may not have enough space on the virtual disk.
You can try a tool called VBoxManage with this command to your named vdi file:
VBoxManage modifyhd "C:\Fedora\Fedora.vdi" --resize 81920
You may receive this error:
VBoxManage.exe: error: Failed to resize medium
VBoxManage.exe: error: Resizing to new size 190756945920 is not yet supported for medium 'C:\Fedora\Fedora.vdi'
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x80bb0009), component MediumWrap, interface IMedium
VBoxManage.exe: error: Context: "enum RTEXITCODE __cdecl handleModifyMedium(struct HandlerArg *)" at line 937 of
file VBoxManageDisk.cpp
You can check information about the vdi file on which the Fedora distribution is installed with this command:
VBoxManage showhdinfo "C:\Fedora\Fedora.vdi"
Make a clone of the vdi file.
VBoxManage clonehd "C:\Fedora\Fedora.vdi" "C:\Fedora\Fedoracloned.vdi"
Clone medium created in format 'VDI'. UUID: ...
Resize this cloned virtual disk with this command:
VBoxManage modifyhd "C:\Users\catafest\VirtualBox VMs\Fedora\Fedoracloned.vdi" --resize 30000

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Fedora 39 : DNF, DNF-3 and DNF5

Before installing DNF5 you should know that your installations with this tool in the fedora distribution may not work correctly
After implementation of dnf5 module install dnf and dnf5 cannot share the same location for storing state of modules, because dnf5 will store additional information about installed profiles (braking change). Modules enabled by DNF5 (dnf5 module enable <module>) will be not seen as enabled in DNF. Module profile installed by DNF5 will be not sees as installed in DNF. DNF will only see installed RPMs.
More details on this official webpage.
You can fix it with the dnf-3 tool if you accidentally modified or deleted the dnf tool.
A simple example is installing Deepin Desktop, which I could only install with DNF-3:
# dnf-3 install @deepin-desktop
The other dnf and dnf5 tools didn't work, I didn't wait to check if it's because of the repos. but it did not bring me the packets from the web and shows me transactions of 0 B.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Fedora 39 : First test with C# and Terminal.Gui.templates.

The current, stable, release of Terminal.Gui is v1.x. It is stable, rich, and broadly used. The team is now focused on designing and building a significant upgrade we're referring to as v2.
You can find it on this GitHub project.
$ dotnet new --install Terminal.Gui.templates
$ dotnet new tui -n test001
$ cd test001
$ dotnet run

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Fedora 39 : Install and fix error with dotnet and copr.

Copr is an easy-to-use automatic build system providing a package repository as its output.
Free/Open source software that is harder to include in Fedora (usually because it is developed in a way that makes it difficult to package while implementing the Fedora packaging guidelines) is temporarily provided in an extra COPR repository, see the official webpage.
I tried to install dotnet following a tutorial on Fedora Magazine:
# dnf copr enable @dotnet-sig/dotnet
I obviously received errors related to copr, because is not install and I used Fedora 39, since Fedora 39 is still Rawhide.
I try to install copr with dnf5:
# dnf5 install copr
I got some errors on python-request-2.28.2-2.fc39.noarch conflicts with new one requested by dnf5 and I remove this package and I let to install the new one.
I try again with same command:
# dnf5 install copr
The next command was:
$ sudo dnf copr enable @dotnet-sig/dotnet fedora-38-x86_64
This allow me to use fedora-38-x86_64 and warn me about copr.
Enabling a Copr repository. Please note that this repository is not part
of the main distribution, and quality may vary ...
The last one is to install .NET Core:
# dnf5 install dotnet
This install all packages for .NET Core with SDK version 6.0 .
I tested with a simple project:
$ dotnet new console -o mythcat_console
$ cd mythcat_console
$ dotnet run 
Hello, World!
This is the way that can use Fedora packages with copr.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Fedora 39 : Solve copy-paste in VirtualBox.

I'm using the Fedora 39 Linux distribution on an HP laptop and I also have it installed on a VirtualBox on my work computer. Today I will show you a way to solve copy paste between content on your computer and Fedora 39 on VirtualBox.
This requires Virtual Box to be set to bridge network as in the attached image.
The next step is to have the Cockpit tool installed, see instructions here.
Open the web address created by the Cockpit tool in your computer browser and go to the Terminal section. This way you will be able to transfer text content using your computer's browser and not the VirtualBox settings.
See the next image: