
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Fedora 39 : Solve copy-paste in VirtualBox.

I'm using the Fedora 39 Linux distribution on an HP laptop and I also have it installed on a VirtualBox on my work computer. Today I will show you a way to solve copy paste between content on your computer and Fedora 39 on VirtualBox.
This requires Virtual Box to be set to bridge network as in the attached image.
The next step is to have the Cockpit tool installed, see instructions here.
Open the web address created by the Cockpit tool in your computer browser and go to the Terminal section. This way you will be able to transfer text content using your computer's browser and not the VirtualBox settings.
See the next image:

Monday, July 10, 2023

News : About my work and one of my websites.

I would like to bring to the attention of those who follow my activity on my websites and appreciate the inability to continue with one of the websites: It is currently hosted on a free host, but I cannot import it 100%, which has led me not to complete it with new posts. The continuation of the activities there, considering the limited time, will be carried out on my blogs with the defined theme with which I started: Linux - Fedora, Graphics, Python, Pygame.
In the meantime, because the host is expensive and until now someone has helped me to host it on his server, it is possible to sell the domain: - I receive purchase offers at my personal Yahoo email address
Minimum starting price 250 euros, because the domain is old from 2018.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Fedora 39 : DNF5 error update.

Sometimes errors may occur when installing Fedora packages using the dnf or dnf5 utility. One of the reasons may result from the coincidence of the package installation process. If you know how to build packages, how to develop the Fedora team, and how many repositories you have set up in your Linux distribution, then such an error can be easily fixed. Here is the error:
First, install the dnf5 and dnf5-plugins with this command:
sudo dnf install dnf5 dnf5-plugins
One good way to fix error is to have defined settings in : /etc/dnf/dnf.conf in order to have a good installation flow and how to link packages to the interconnected job.
See my example that fix this error:
Some packages may conflict in the repo and you can check with the dnf info fedora_repo_package command.
For example, you can use exclude=*.noarch in the [main] area.

Monday, June 26, 2023

News : The new DNF5 tool is on Fedora .

The new DNF5 will provide a significant improvement in user experiences and performance. The replacement is the second step in upgrade of Fedora Software Management stack. Without the change there will be multiple software management tool (DNF5, old Microdnf, PackageKit, and DNF) based on different libraries (libdnf, libdnf5), providing a different behavior, and not sharing a history and module state. We can also expect that DNF will have only limited support from upstream. The DNF5 development was announced on Fedora-Devel list in 2020.
You can read more on the official webpage on Fedora area.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Fedora 39 : GNOME new version 44.2 .

The GNOME Project proudly announced today the release and general availability of the GNOME 44 desktop environment series, a major update that brings several new features and lots of improvements.
You can read more on the official website.
You can see a first version 44 on this youtube video:

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Fedora 39 : Share folder with Fedora on VirtualBox.

To share a folder called share between the Windows operating system and Fedora 39 using VirtualBox, the folder must be created and added to the settings as follows:
In VirtualBox, make sure the Fedora virtual machine is stopped.
Select the Fedora virtual machine in the list of virtual machines and click the "Settings" button on the top bar of the VirtualBox window.
In the "Settings" window of the virtual machine, select the "Shared Folders" category.
Click the "+" button on the right to add a new shared folder.
In the "Add Share" window, specify the following details:
Folder Path: Browse to and select the C:\share folder on the host.
Folder Name: You can enter a name for the shared folder.
Select the access options you want, such as "Auto-mount" and "Make Permanent".
Click the "OK" button to save the settings.
Start the Fedora virtual machine and on the Fedora virtual machine, open a terminal and run the following command to mount the shared folder:
You can see the file test.txt is visible in Fedora.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Fedora 39 : Regular expressions with gedit editor.

Regular expressions can be used in the gedit editor using the Find and Replace option with the regular expressions checkbox selected. This can be used to remove empty lines from source code, remove comment lines, replace indexing - if using Python scripts, or replace content. Here's an example of how to remove empty lines from a text using regular expressions: