
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Fedora 36 : Install django-hypergen and test it.

Today I test the last version of python version 3.11.0a7 with the Django-hypergen example.
The install process can be found on the GitHub page project.
You can see the full tutorial here.

News: Firefox 100 on Fedora distro.

This new release can download it and read more on the official webpage.
I tested today and as you can see this is working well:

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Fedora 36 : Use the ykman tool - part 001.

You can see a full tutorial about how can install this linux tool for yubikey device on this tutorial.
The next command will program a random 38 character long static password to slot 1 on the device:
# ykman otp static 1 --generate --length 38 --force --keyboard-layout US

Saturday, April 16, 2022

News: Fedora 36 beta released.

Fedora 36 beta was released and I tested it today.
First of all, Fedora 36 is still in pre-release mode and you should be careful to back up your data before upgrading it has a rollback option just in case.
I haven't seen any significant differences in browsing, and overall it seems faster.
The upgrade commands are the same but the installation process seems more complex.
# dnf upgrade --refresh
# dnf autoremove
# dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade -y
# dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=36 --allowerasing
# dnf system-upgrade reboot
# cat /etc/os-release 
Let's fix the install process:
# dnf system-upgrade clean
# symlinks -r -d /usr 
This is ascreenshot take on my HP Compaq 6710b laptop, you can see the Workstation Edition Prerelease.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Fedora 35 : Kdenlive tool.

The new title of this blog is:About Fedora Linux distro
This was my first blog since and now and I wrote my first articles and tutorials using the Linux operating system, especially Fedora distro.
Because I used it so much and it had an impact on my free time. Initially the title was generic "About me and my life" and I later kept it for S.E.O. and because it worked just as well as me.
The new title will not change the content at all and I hope it will come with new and good content.

Let's go back to today's tutorial article: installing kdenlive software.
Kdenlive is a powerful free and open source cross-platform video editing program made by the KDE community.
The last release was on Jan 7, 2022.
I use the DNF utility as follows:
[root@fedora mythcat]# dnf search kdenlive
Last metadata expiration check: 1:20:50 ago on Sat 22 Jan 2022 06:05:54 PM EET.
======================== Name Exactly Matched: kdenlive ========================
kdenlive.x86_64 : Non-linear video editor
[root@fedora mythcat]# dnf install kdenlive
Last metadata expiration check: 1:21:05 ago on Sat 22 Jan 2022 06:05:54 PM EET.
Dependencies resolved.
After install I run well with this software:
[mythcat@fedora ~]$ kdenlive
QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
Invalid metadata for  "audiochannels"
Failed to parse "audiochannels"
Invalid metadata for  "audioconvert"
Failed to parse "audioconvert"
Invalid metadata for  "data_feed"
Failed to parse "data_feed"
Invalid metadata for  "imageconvert"
Failed to parse "imageconvert"
Invalid metadata for  "jack"
Failed to parse "jack"
Empty metadata for  "crop_detect"
Invalid metadata for  "glsl.manager"
Failed to parse "glsl.manager"
Invalid metadata for  "movit.convert"
This is a screenshot of the running program:

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Fedora 35 : Testing the new Django web framework version 4.0.1 with channels.

Today I tested in Fedora 35 the new version 4.0.1 of the Django framework and the channels package.
Channels augments Django to bring WebSocket, long-poll HTTP, task offloading, and other async support to your code, using familiar Django design patterns and a flexible underlying framework that lets you not only customize behaviors but also write support for your own protocols and needs. see the GitHub website.
The entire tutorial can be viewed on my blog about python programming language.
The result shows that it works with the admin webpage:

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Fedora 35 : Roblox Player and Roblox Studio with Grapejuice.

In today's tutorial, I will show you how to install and play Roblox on the Linux Fedora 35 distribution using Grapejuice software.
The Grapejuice software installs protocol handlers to open games from the Roblox website and file handlers to open place files. It also provides a management interface for installing and launching Roblox.
For this, you will need to have a computer with the necessary hardware requirements for this online game.
I tested it on the old HP Compaq 6710b laptop on which I installed Fedora version 35 and it worked very hard.
Here are the Linux commands I used to install.
[mythcat@fedora ~]$ git clone
Cloning into 'grapejuice'...
warning: redirecting to
remote: Enumerating objects: 6632, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1426/1426), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (426/426), done.
remote: Total 6632 (delta 1019), reused 1375 (delta 983), pack-reused 5206
Receiving objects: 100% (6632/6632), 3.89 MiB | 3.20 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4388/4388), done.
[mythcat@fedora ~]$ cd grapejuice/
[mythcat@fedora grapejuice]$ ls
ci_scripts     pylintrc                   setup.cfg
documentation               src     requirements.optional.txt  tests    requirements.txt 

[mythcat@fedora grapejuice]$ sudo su
[sudo] password for mythcat:
[root@fedora grapejuice]# dnf install wine
Total                                           6.0 MB/s | 634 MB     01:45 
[root@fedora grapejuice]# exit
[mythcat@fedora grapejuice]$ ./
After installation, you can search and find the installation and Roblox Player and Roblox Studio.