
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Fedora 26 : using Huion Giano WH1409 graphic tablet .

If you want to use your Huion Giano WH1409 graphic tablet with Fedora 26 then you need to use DKMS kernel.
Let's start. First you need to have a github account to download this kernel.
Use this commands to install the DKMS kernel from digimend.
#dnf install dkms git-core 
#git clone /usr/src/digimend-6
#dkms build digimend/6
#dkms install digimend/6
Now connect the wireless USB dongle and reboot your computer. Take a look at dkms status:
dkms status
If you use VirtualBox then I tested with last version of VirtualBox and works without any settings.
If you want to set your tablet keys then you make custom X11 rules .
First is need to go to this folder: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/.
Now create 50-huion.conf file and use the configuration tool xsetwacom.
I don't make this settings because the tablet work's good with inkscape software.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Fedora 26 : the MuseScore software.

The development team come with this option for us:
Create, play and print beautiful sheet music

Is about the MuseScore software and music.

  • First, this software come with this features: 
  • Professional music notation software 
  • Completely free, no limitations 
  • Easy to use, yet powerful 
  • Open source Input via MIDI keyboard 
  • Transfer to and from other programs via MusicXML, MIDI and more
You can also make an account on the official website or just use the software. I simply installed it in Fedoar 26 with the dnf tool .
# dnf install mscore
The result is working well, see the next image:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

News: Google with all features and options.

Not all Google options are available for all countries.
You should make a selection option depending on country and availability.
This will relieve us of unsuccessful attempts and queries to Google.
Here are all the Google options available now.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

News: Faces of Open Source - website .

I have just discovered today this website named FACES OF OPEN SOURCE.
The development team tells us: Faces of Open Source is an on-going photographic documentation of the people behind the development and advancement of the open source revolution that has transformed the technology industry.
The area is:
  • UNIX 
  •  BSD 
  •  Linux
  •  Languages 
  •  X Windows
They also want to get a book on this subject.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Fedora 26 : Firefox Test Pilot send large files.

This tool from the Firefox team let you send you to upload and encrypt large files (up to 1GB) to share online.
This creates a link to pass along to whoever you want.
Each link created by Send will expire after 1 download or 24 hours, and all sent files will be automatically deleted from the Send server.
Also, the Firefox Test Pilot send does not require an add-on, and can be used in any modern browser.
See the next video from the official youtube channel.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Fedora 26 : Install Google Chrome.

Today I try to install Google Chrome on Fedora 26.
As you know this is one of the fastest and most well liked browsers available.
First I download of the rpm file into my Downloads folder and the I used dnf command to install into Fedora 26:
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ wget
$ su 
# dnf install google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm
The result, the Google Chrome browser is installed and run well.

Fedora 26 : reset root password .

Although most believe that they know the answer to this question then in Fedora 26 you have to adopt a method other than the classic one.
Start with select the boot line and press e key to edit.
Find the line with linux16 and add this on the end of this row:

Press Ctr+x or F10 keys to reboot.
#mount | grep root
#mount -o remount,rw /sysroot
#mount | grep root
#chroot /sysroot/
#passwd root
#touch /.autorelabel

Now you can use the new password for user root to login the system.
I try the old way with init=/bin/bash but I got a panic kernel ( maybe is the SELinux performs a complete file system relabel).
Anyway this solve my problem with reset the root password on Fedora 26 Server.

About rd.break, this interrupt the boot process before control is passed from initramfs to systemd.
The disadvantage of this method is that it requires more steps, includes having to edit the GRUB menu, and involves choosing between a possibly time consuming SELinux file relabel or changing the SELinux enforcing mode and then restoring the SELinux security context for /etc/shadow/ when the boot completes.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

News: Adobe is planning to end-of-life Flash.

According to this article, Adobe is planning to end-of-life Flash.

This will happen at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats.
Adobe will also remain fully committed to working with partners ( Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla) to maintain the security and compatibility of Flash content.


Monday, July 17, 2017

News: Mozilla try recognition systems .

The recognition systems improve the more people use them, but they are closed systems so no one other than Apple, Amazon, or Google.
The project named Project Common Voice website includes an option to donate your voice.
If you opt to do so, a number of sentences will be popped up in your web browser for you to say. Once recorded, you can play them back to check they are acceptable before submitting them to help the voice recognition engine learn.
You need to read a sentence to help our machine learn how real people speak.
The area of interest for this project come with demographic data. You can try this project on the official website.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

News: Google startup program .

This is a new way to start your Google work.
This is a great idea from google maybe some team will agree with this help.
The goals from the Google team to do that is:
  • GCP and Firebase Credits 
  • Office Hours 
  • 24/7 Support 
  • G Suite Online Training 
  • Advertising for Startups 
The credits come with:
SPARK PACKAGE Get $20,000 in credit for 1 year. Credit can be applied to all Google Cloud Platform and Firebase products.
SURGE PACKAGE Get $100,000 in credit for 1 year. Credit can be applied to all Google Cloud Platform and Firebase products.

Fedora 26 server 64bit - tested VM.

I install Fedora 26 into simple way with the Netinstall Image (64-bit 484MB ) from here.
I used the last VirtualBox to test this Fedora 26 net image.
It took some time because the hardware used is without the dedicated video card and an I5 processor. The basic idea of this test was to see how to install it.
It's interesting to watch: the number of packages installed per time unit, the startup steps for the base installation and the work environment.
The other steps are more complex because it matters what you want to do with this linux. It depends on how much you want to adapt it to your hardware machine or whether you will make it a web server, ftp, sftp or a graphics rendering or video rendering station.
The total installation time in VirtualBox was one hour and seven minutes. The resulting video was modified by changing the number of frames for a faster viewing, (from 72 to 172).
The reason was the first steps to install Fedora not to set a specific linux server.
I use linux command under root account to install and set Fedora 26:
#dnf update 
#dnf upgrade 
#dnf grouplist 
#dnf grouplist -v
#dnf install @cinnamon-desktop
#dnf -y group install "Fedora Workstation"
#dnf install setroubleshoot
#sestatus -v
#dnf install clamtk
#echo "exec /usr/bin/cinnamon-session" >> ~/.xinitrc
Let's see the record video of this test install :