
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Record and share your terminal - asciinema.

Most of Fedora linux users use the fedora pastebin known also like fpaste.
Another viable alternative is even more comprehensive and dynamic is thiscommand: asciinema.
You can install this package with dnf install asciinema.
This command come with many options and the result can be see online or download it like json type file.
Let's see some screenshots:

The result it's also upload to internet and you will got one link.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Linux old game.

Released in 1989 for a bunch of platforms this game named Rick Dangerous is a story about exploring the catacombs in the world.
I've played in the past with an old PC with tape and I was super exciting by story and complexity. Now you can play with infinite lives.
Also you can try some development because you can get the source code.

The game can be found here.

Fedora 25 Alpha - VirtualBox and packer.

NOTE: This project tutorial is not finish. After I install the Fedora and reboot the installation has restart with default iso file. Need to fix this issue.

Today I tested Fedora 25 Alpha under Windows 10 with VirtualBox from Oracle and packer.
The VirtualBox can be found here.
The packer software can be found here.
Because I used Vagrant from here used the default folder vagrant to test Fedora 25 Alpha , see tree command:

Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is 0000003D 9A67:3A80
│   └───machines
│       └───default
│           └───virtualbox
│   └───Fedora_25_Alpha
I install VirtualBox the last version and I put packer.exe into bin folder.
 The packer use two config files:
- the packer.config - looks for %APPDATA%/packer.config ,if the file doesn't exist, then Packer ignores it and just uses the default configuration;
- the packer.json -I used fedora25alpha.json file for settings.
My fedora25alpha.json file come with this settings:
{ "variables": { "iso_location": "", "harddisk_size": "40960", "vm_name": "Fedora_25_Alpha", "outputfile": "", "compression": "6" }, "builders": [{ "vm_name": "{{user `vm_name`}}", "output_directory": "build/{{user `vm_name`}}", "type": "virtualbox-iso", "virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version", "headless": false, "guest_os_type": "Fedora_64", "hard_drive_interface": "sata", "disk_size": "{{user `harddisk_size`}}", "iso_url": "{{user `iso_location`}}/Fedora-Workstation-netinst-x86_64-25-Alpha-1.2.iso", "iso_checksum": "ba181dd271cda2ac709a4327258683bc3b6e5635a0fd69548dc6f957d25927d9", "iso_checksum_type": "sha256", "boot_wait": "12s", "http_directory": "http", "guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso", "ssh_username": "vagrant", "ssh_password": "vagrant", "ssh_port": 22, "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s", "vboxmanage": [ ["modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "1024"], ["modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1"] ], "shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p" }], "post-processors": [ { "type": "vagrant", "output": "build/{{user `outputfile`}}", "compression_level": "{{user `compression`}}" } ] } I add also the path to the Windows enviroment with powershell:
You can also use the set command to do that.
The next step is to use two commands for packer.
First command will validate your settings and the last command will start the virtualization process:
packer validate fedora25alpha.json
packer build fedora25alpha.json

The output of this is virtual running of Fedora 25 Alpha.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Linux with a irc trojan.

Accordind to this article written on Sep 9, 2016 08:40 GMT - Linux OS is vulnerable again.
The new trojan coded in Rust gathers information about the local system and sends it to its C&C server.
The Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety.
The syntax and semantics of Rust is similar to that of the Perl programming language.
However the security researchers have discovered Linux malware coded in languages such as Go (Rex) and Lua (LuaBot), but most of it is coded in C or C++ (Mirai).
The trojan integrates the "irc" Rust library by Aaron Weiss, in order to communicate via the IRC protocol to a remote IRC public channel.
Named "Linux.BackDoor.Irc.16 was designed to be a cross-platform Trojan ...
This tojan has recent discovery by Dr.Web, a Russian antivirus maker and published an article on their blog.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How to deal with your Fedora distro and Windows 10 using usb stick.

Today I will told about one great way to test it Fedora distro with one usb stick and Windows 10.
I don't want to make one video tutorial because you will try to follow the images and is more good for you to understend the steps.
This method of getting your usb stick with your Fedora distro and deal under your Windows 10 to make this goal:
Upload your Fedora into your usb stick then make copy of usb stick (vmdk file) to run under Windows 10.
First the usb stick will need to have a good size great than 15 or 20GB (with autopartition).
Also usb device legacy support 2.0 and great will be very good.
My CPU is this and working well: >wmic cpu get caption Caption Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
I have a NVIDIA GPU , but fedora come with default nouveau graphics device driver.
You can use some tutorial to replace it with proprietary Nvidia/ATI video driver.
I used the VirtualBox with usb enable and this allow me to select the usb stick for Fedora instalation, see:
I download the Fedoara 24 distro with a light enviroment.You can use MATE , XFCE enviroments.
Take a look also to Fedora Spins.
To make this easy for you - just get the Fedora Live from here.
If you want to used Fedora 24 with 64-bit or any 64-bit Linux and Windows then select under your BIOS to enable options: Intel (R) Virtualization Technology was enabled and Intel (R) VT-d Feature was also enabled.
Select from Windows the Hyper-V option to be enable for 64-bit Live CD with Windows Key + q to open the Search box and typed in: turn windows features.
The window will be come with one Hyper-V checkbox and then you need to select that enabled.
Make new Virtual Machine with Fedora select from settings your video , memory and check the usb driver. Select from Storage - Controller IDE and check enable LiveCD and upload the .iso file image with the OpenDialog.
Your virtual hard disk will be great than 8 Gb and also can be any type.
This just allow you to run Fedora Live CD to install Fedora into your usb stick.
After install you can create one virtual file from your usb stick. C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage.exe internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename C:\usb.vmdk -rawdisk \\.\PhysicalDrive1 RAW host disk access VMDK file C:\usb.vmdk created successfully.
This file can be run under VirtualBox also by using create one new virtual machine with usb stick vmdk file.
Make same settings with usb checked and video and memory.
When you need to select the virtual hard disk then select: Use existing hard disk and select your .vmdk file.
To be able to deal with fedora the you can read also this:Installation_Guide.
This will show how to customize all into Fedora distro.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Fedora: Powered icons to your website.

Do you remember the image from default webpages like apache or nginx when you test your HTTP server?
So I want one good fedora way to put my work with fedora.
First I need to have one fedora icon and this text: powered by.

I used Inkscape. You know about Inkscape:Inkscape is professional quality vector graphics software which runs on Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux and uses the W3C open standard SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) as its native format.
First I take a take a look to the common guidelines. 
This steps help you to understand the importance of guideline if you want to make new different designs.
The .svg result files can be found here.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Shortcuts - online tool help.

This website comes with one of the incredible numbers of shortcuts.
You can see below the icons for each application.
So when you have time, just take a look ...

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Upgrading Fedora distro to Fedora 24.

I make this video tutorial about how to upgrading Fedora distro.
# dnf upgrade --refresh 
# dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade 
# dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=24 
# dnf system-upgrade reboot
If all is done then into your linux... type reboot command like into my video:
# reboot

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

News: Devil Linux 1.8.0-rc1 released.

About Linux distros then this news comes with the new Devil-Linux 1.8.0-rc1 released. You can download it from here.
The size is 323 Mb and come with this changes:
- Major overhaul
 - Most programs and libraries have been updated
- Unmaintained programs and libraries have been removed
What's new:
- added google-authenticator for PAM
- added dovecot-pigeonhole
- squashfs is now the main file system with lz4-hc compression
 - mounting of bootcd.iso from another storage devices is not supported anymore. Use bootcd.squash
 - save-config now reads /etc/sysconfig/save-config.conf to determine additional files that shoule be saved (Frank Weis)
- added a new init script /etc/init.d/post_init.local to help with some initializations scripts that need to run after everything else is up
- replace bacula with bareos. manual migration is necessary.
- removed Linux-HA and moved to Corosync 2.x + Pacemaker (new industry standard

If you want to boot Devil-Linux from CD, you need to burn bootcd.iso to a new CD.
If you want to boot DL from USB, locate the file 'install-on-usb.exe' which is the one with a Devil-Linux icon. Your USB drive must be at least 512MB in size with expendable.