This is very good to backup your work.
If you cant you can get your account.
This is my account ... and come just 15 Gb
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Linux can be a goof tool for development...
In the last days I deal with pygame and android.
So if you want to make applications for your tablet or mobile phone then see this:
... also I saw the pygame can give some errors on android. I got this error : android pygame error : failed to dequeue buffer from native window.
So if is somebody know pygame then you can read more here.
The last years will come with many features for consumers.
The website come with this "dodge trade"
I told myself :"Maybe is an error".
Not realy. The marketing is make to distort the consumer.
Why? If you create an account on MailDirect then will have receive 0.5 ¢ and 1 ¢ / mail (you need 100$ to cash the money).
The big error is : most of the offers are exaggerated ...
Honestly, you should review the marketing policy.
I'm sure most users of Linux operating systems are wise enough to avoid such problems.
The big question is: if we are adept of open source infos ...then why not we have the same expressions in trades ?
Sorry about this post . Regards.