
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Fedora 30 : About the Jupyter lab tool.

The tutorial for today is about Jupiter Lab and Fedora 30. You can see an old tutorial with Fedora 29 here.
The JupyterLab is the next-generation web-based user interface for Project Jupyter.
This can be installed using conda, pip or pipenv.
I used pip3 tool for instalation process on Fedora 30 distro:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ pip3 install jupyterlab --user
Successfully installed Send2Trash-1.5.0 attrs-19.1.0 backcall-0.1.0 bleach-3.1.0 defusedxml-0.6.0 
ipykernel-5.1.2 ipython-7.8.0 ipython-genutils-0.2.0 jedi-0.15.1 json5-0.8.5 jsonschema-3.0.2 
jupyter-client-5.3.1 jupyter-core-4.5.0 jupyterlab-1.1.1 jupyterlab-server-1.0.6 mistune-0.8.4 
nbconvert-5.6.0 nbformat-4.4.0 notebook-6.0.1 pandocfilters-1.4.2 parso-0.5.1 pexpect-4.7.0 
pickleshare-0.7.5 prometheus-client-0.7.1 prompt-toolkit-2.0.9 ptyprocess-0.6.0 pyrsistent-0.15.4 
pyzmq-18.1.0 terminado-0.8.2 testpath-0.4.2 tornado-6.0.3 traitlets-4.3.2 wcwidth-0.1.7 
[mythcat@desk ~]$ jupyter notebook --version
This tool browsers can be used with :Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
The tool can be start with this command:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ jupyter lab
[I 19:53:05.527 LabApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to ...
The default browser will open a new tab and show the interface for this tool, see screenshot:
If you install a new python module then you need to close and reopen the tool.
You can run every row command with Shift+Enter keys.
When you want to close it just close the browser tab and press Ctrl+C keys.
Shutdown this notebook server (y/[n])? y
[C 20:09:00.058 LabApp] Shutdown confirmed
[I 20:09:00.304 LabApp] Shutting down 0 kernels
 To see additional kernels follow this link. The Fedora 30 comes with this kernels for Jupyter using the dnf tool:
[root@desk mythcat]# dnf search jupyter | grep kernel
Last metadata expiration check: 0:57:13 ago on Mi 04 sep 2019 19:46:15 +0300.
polymake-jupyter.noarch : Jupyter kernel for polymake
gap-pkg-jupyterkernel.noarch : Jupyter kernel written in GAP
python3-jupyter-c-kernel.noarch : Minimalistic C kernel for Jupyter
gap-pkg-jupyterkernel-doc.noarch : Jupyter kernel for GAP documentation
python3-jupyter-kernel-test.noarch : Machinery for testing Jupyter kernels via
python3-jupyroot.x86_64 : ROOT Jupyter kernel
python3-metakernel.noarch : Metakernel for Jupyter
python3-ipykernel.noarch : IPython Kernel for Jupyter
python3-octave-kernel.noarch : A Jupyter kernel for Octave
python3-metakernel-bash.noarch : A Bash kernel for Jupyter/IPython
python3-metakernel-python.noarch : A Python kernel for Jupyter/IPython
python3-spyder-kernels.noarch : Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console
python3-metakernel-echo.noarch : A simple echo kernel for Jupyter/IPython
R-IRkernel.noarch : Native R Kernel for the 'Jupyter Notebook'
Another feature of Jupyter is the ability to run it as a presentation server:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ jupyter nbconvert --generate-config
Writing default config to: /home/mythcat/.jupyter/
[mythcat@desk ~]$ cat /home/mythcat/.jupyter/
# Configuration file for jupyter-nbconvert.

# Application(SingletonConfigurable) configuration

## This is an application.
Change file by adding your settings. For example:
## Accept connections from all IPs
c.ServePostProcessor.ip = '*'

## Do not open the browser automatically
c.ServePostProcessor.open_in_browser = False
After you work with jupyter you can save it with a name like Test001 and run this command:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ jupyter nbconvert "Test001.ipynb" --to slides --post serve[NbConvertApp] 
Converting notebook Test001.ipynb to slides
[NbConvertApp] Writing 278626 bytes to Test001.slides.html
[NbConvertApp] Redirecting reveal.js requests to
Serving your slides at http://*:8000/Test001.slides.html
Use Control-C to stop this server
The result of the HTML presentation can be see at http://localhost:8000/Test001.slides.html#.