
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Fedora 30 : Application packages with snap tool.

Snaps are application packages for desktop, cloud, and IoT that are easy to install, secure, cross-platform and dependency-free, see here.
The install of this tool with the dnf install tool is simple:
[root@desk snap]# dnf install snap
  snap-0.6-13.fc29.noarch          python2-crypto-2.6.1-25.fc30.x86_64         
Let's make the settings for this tool:
[mythcat@desk snap]$ sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
[mythcat@desk snap]$ snap install snapcraft --classic
snapcraft 3.5 from Canonical✓ installed

[mythcat@desk ~]$ snap help
The snap command lets you install, configure, refresh and remove snaps.
Snaps are packages that work across many different Linux distributions,
enabling secure delivery and operation of the latest apps and utilities.

Usage: snap  [...]

Commands can be classified as follows:

         Basics: find, info, install, list, remove
        ...more: refresh, revert, switch, disable, enable
        History: changes, tasks, abort, watch
        Daemons: services, start, stop, restart, logs
       Commands: alias, aliases, unalias, prefer
  Configuration: get, set, wait
        Account: login, logout, whoami
    Permissions: connections, interfaces, interface, connect, disconnect
      Snapshots: saved, save, check-snapshot, restore, forget
          Other: version, warnings, okay, ack, known
    Development: run, pack, try, download, prepare-image

For more information about a command, run 'snap help '.
For a short summary of all commands, run 'snap help --all'.
[mythcat@desk ~]$ snap refresh
All snaps up to date.  
Now we can install an application and run it.
Let's try with the vlc application:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ snap install vlc
vlc 3.0.6 from VideoLAN✓ installed
[mythcat@desk ~]$ snap run  vlc
VLC media player 3.0.6 Vetinari (revision 3.0.6-0-g5803e85)
[00000000019ca3d0] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
[0000000001a5fae0] main playlist: playlist is empty
QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread
Not all application will run on Fedora 30.
For example, I try with the qalculate application and not work:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ sudo snap install qalculate
[sudo] password for mythcat: 
snap "qalculate" is already installed, see 'snap help refresh'
When I try to run it the error was the qalculate application cannot be found.