
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Fedora 41 : python and Federated Message Bus in Fedora Linux Distro.

Federated Message Bus is a library built on ZeroMQ using the PyZMQ Python bindings. fedmsg aims to make it easy to connect services together using ZeroMQ publishers and subscribers.
You can use this python package named fedmsg to use this functionality ...
This is the source code :
import fedmsg
from fedmsg import *

import os
# Set the routing_nitpicky flag to True
os.environ['FEDMSG_ROUTING_NITPICKY'] = 'True'

config = fedmsg.config.load_config([],None)
config['mute'] = True
config['timeout'] = 0

for name, endpoint, topic, msg in fedmsg.tail_messages(**config):
    print ("name ", name)
This is the result :
[mythcat@fedora FedoraMessaging]$ python
No routing policy defined for "" but routing_nitpicky is False so the message is being treated as authorized.
name  fedora-infrastructure
No routing policy defined for "" but routing_nitpicky is False so the message is being treated as authorized.
name  fedora-infrastructure
No routing policy defined for "" but routing_nitpicky is False so the message is being treated as authorized.
name  fedora-infrastructure
No routing policy defined for "" but routing_nitpicky is False so the message is being treated as authorized.
name  fedora-infrastructure
No routing policy defined for "" but routing_nitpicky is False so the message is being treated as authorized.
name  fedora-infrastructure ... 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Fedora 40 : Fedora CoreOS - part 001.

The documentation for Fedora 40 CoreOS can be found on the official webpage.
I download the fedora-coreos-40.20240331.1.0-virtualbox.x86_64.ova file.
You can use double click to open with the VirtualBox application, see the next screenshot:
Fedora use ssh keys and a user named core, use these steps from the official webpage to change the password for this user.
The result will be this:
You need to use these steps to create a password based on the butane and ignition software to login with the ssh-rsa.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Fedora 41 : Python and the Fedora Messaging Infrastructure - part 001.

Yesterday I tried to use Fedora Messaging.
You can find the documentation on the official page./div>
I created a working folder called FedoraMessaging:
[mythcat@fedora PythonProjects]$ mkdir FedoraMessaging
[mythcat@fedora PythonProjects]$ cd FedoraMessaging
You need to install the fedora-messaging and rabbitmq-server packages.
[root@fedora FedoraMessaging]# dnf5 install fedora-messaging
Updating and loading repositories:
Repositories loaded.
Package                             Arch    Version                       Repository         Size
 fedora-messaging                   noarch  3.5.0-1.fc41                  rawhide        38.6 KiB
[root@fedora FedoraMessaging]# dnf install rabbitmq-server
At some point it will ask for a reboot.
You need to install the python package named fedora-messaging.
[root@fedora FedoraMessaging]# pip install --user fedora-messaging
Collecting fedora-messaging
Installing collected packages: pytz, incremental, wrapt, tomli, rpds-py, pyasn1, pika, hyperlink, constantly, attrs, 
referencing, pyasn1-modules, automat, twisted, jsonschema-specifications, service-identity, jsonschema, crochet, 
Successfully installed attrs-23.2.0 automat-22.10.0 constantly-23.10.4 crochet-2.1.1 fedora-messaging-3.5.0 
hyperlink-21.0.0 incremental-22.10.0 jsonschema-4.21.1 jsonschema-specifications-2023.12.1 pika-1.3.2 pyasn1-0.6.0 
pyasn1-modules-0.4.0 pytz-2024.1 referencing-0.34.0 rpds-py-0.18.0 service-identity-24.1.0 tomli-2.0.1 twisted-24.3.0 
You need to start the broker:
[mythcat@fedora FedoraMessaging]$ sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server
I used the source code from the documentation to test its functionality with a python script named
from fedora_messaging import api, config

api.consume(lambda message: print(message))

from fedora_messaging import api, config

api.publish(api.Message(topic="hello by mythcat", body={"Hello": "world!"}))
I ran it and got this response:
[mythcat@fedora FedoraMessaging]$ python
[fedora_messaging.message INFO] Registering the 'base.message' key as the '<class 'fedora_messaging.message.Message'>' 
class in the Message class registry
[fedora_messaging.twisted.protocol INFO] Waiting for 0 consumer(s) to finish processing before halting
[fedora_messaging.twisted.protocol INFO] Finished canceling 0 consumers
[fedora_messaging.twisted.protocol INFO] Disconnect requested, but AMQP connection already gone
I created another python script named, to check if this works:
from fedora_messaging import api, config
# Setup logging
# Define the callback function to process messages
def process_message(message):
    # Check if the message topic matches "hello by mythcat"
    if message.topic == "hello by mythcat":
        print(f"Received message: {message.body}")
        print(f"Ignoring message with topic: {message.topic}")
# Consume messages
I ran it and got this response:
[mythcat@fedora FedoraMessaging]$ python
[fedora_messaging.twisted.protocol INFO] Successfully registered AMQP consumer Consumer(queue=amq.gen-9lKk7sGeYY5I40bdc5VrzQ,
callback=<function process_message at 0x7fdb0f5da160>)
[fedora_messaging.message INFO] Registering the 'base.message' key as the '<class 'fedora_messaging.message.Message'>'
class in the Message class registry
[fedora_messaging.twisted.consumer INFO] Consuming message from topic hello by mythcat 
(message id 800a1540-1e91-4b4a-a125-15e33eebb699)
Received message: {'Hello': 'world!'}
[fedora_messaging.twisted.consumer INFO] Successfully consumed message from topic hello by mythcat 
(message id 800a1540-1e91-4b4a-a125-15e33eebb699)
It can be seen that the answer is received and displayed correctly.