
Sunday, July 30, 2023

Fedora 39 : Test with eDEX-UI.

eDEX-UI is a fullscreen, cross-platform terminal emulator and system monitor that looks and feels like a sci-fi computer interface.
This can be found on this GitHub project.
This is version for 64-bit Machines, you can download it with:
$ wget -c
Change the file to be executable:
$ chmod +x eDEX-UI-Linux-x86_64.AppImage
Use this command:
$ ./eDEX-UI-Linux-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract
Go to this folder:
$ cd squashfs-root
Run the application:
$ ./AppRun
This is the result of running the application:

Fedora 39 : Resize the vdi file for VirtualBox.

NOTE : This will not change the size of the Linux partition. I tried to change the size in fedora linux with specific commands, but I didn't succeed. The distribution I tried was a server without a graphical environment so I could also try gparted software.
It is good to use the Fedora Linux distribution for tests and feedback to the Fedora team on a hardware system, such as an old laptop.
For quick tests and to save time, you can also install a version on VirtualBox, and sometimes you may not have enough space on the virtual disk.
You can try a tool called VBoxManage with this command to your named vdi file:
VBoxManage modifyhd "C:\Fedora\Fedora.vdi" --resize 81920
You may receive this error:
VBoxManage.exe: error: Failed to resize medium
VBoxManage.exe: error: Resizing to new size 190756945920 is not yet supported for medium 'C:\Fedora\Fedora.vdi'
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x80bb0009), component MediumWrap, interface IMedium
VBoxManage.exe: error: Context: "enum RTEXITCODE __cdecl handleModifyMedium(struct HandlerArg *)" at line 937 of
file VBoxManageDisk.cpp
You can check information about the vdi file on which the Fedora distribution is installed with this command:
VBoxManage showhdinfo "C:\Fedora\Fedora.vdi"
Make a clone of the vdi file.
VBoxManage clonehd "C:\Fedora\Fedora.vdi" "C:\Fedora\Fedoracloned.vdi"
Clone medium created in format 'VDI'. UUID: ...
Resize this cloned virtual disk with this command:
VBoxManage modifyhd "C:\Users\catafest\VirtualBox VMs\Fedora\Fedoracloned.vdi" --resize 30000