
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Fedora 39 : testing Godot on Laptop and VirtualBox.

Today I watched a bit of the video series on the YouTube channel Fedora.
It's a whole team that maintains the Fedora packages and their development. I thought to check if I have the possibility to effectively use it in the development of software on Linux that has multiple functionalities. And because I currently work on Windows with Godot version 4.1.1 and C#, I took the first steps for installation and testing.
Let's install the Godot game engine tool on Fedora Distro Linux.
$ sudo su 
# dnf5 search godot
# dnf5 install godot.x86_64
# exit
Let's open and test with this command:
$ godot
The Godot interface comes with version 4.0.3 and is functional on my laptop with Fedora. Obviously, I have not tested all the implemented functionalities, but they seem to be good and ready to work.
On the other hand, testing on Virtualbox, it seems that it can't start the Godot interface.
It seems that Godot depends on OpenGL and needs some minimum requirements to work properly starting with OpenGL version 3.3.

Fedora 39 : How to start using cockpit tool in firefox.

Use lie any default installation like any Fedora Linux Distro package for cockpit tool with DNF or DNF5 tool.
$ sudo su
# dnf5 install cockpit
# systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
# firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit
# firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent
# exit
The next step is to test if this runs well.
Get your ip address with netstat:
$ netstat nr
Because I used an virtual box for testing Fedora I get this ip
Use with firefox in the terminal:
$ firefox
The result will be the online cockpit tool.