I used the last VirtualBox to test this Fedora 26 net image.
It took some time because the hardware used is without the dedicated video card and an I5 processor. The basic idea of this test was to see how to install it.
It's interesting to watch: the number of packages installed per time unit, the startup steps for the base installation and the work environment.
The other steps are more complex because it matters what you want to do with this linux. It depends on how much you want to adapt it to your hardware machine or whether you will make it a web server, ftp, sftp or a graphics rendering or video rendering station.
The total installation time in VirtualBox was one hour and seven minutes. The resulting video was modified by changing the number of frames for a faster viewing, (from 72 to 172).
The reason was the first steps to install Fedora not to set a specific linux server.
I use linux command under root account to install and set Fedora 26:
#dnf update
#dnf upgrade
#dnf grouplist
#dnf grouplist -v
#dnf install @cinnamon-desktop
#dnf -y group install "Fedora Workstation"
#dnf install setroubleshoot
#sestatus -v
#dnf install clamtk
#echo "exec /usr/bin/cinnamon-session" >> ~/.xinitrc
Let's see the record video of this test install :