
Sunday, September 18, 2016

News about Blender second release candidate and other projects.

The Chairman Blender Foundation and producer Blender Institute, Mr. Ton Roosendaal come with this news about second release candidate and other projects:
Hi everyone,

Here are notes from today's 14 UTC meeting in 

1) Blender 2.78 RC2

- Second release candidate is out!

- Release logs are also taking shape:

Based on tracker reporting and further testing we either do a RC3 or 
the actual release this week. Sergey Sharybin and Bastien Montagne are
 monitoring it closely.

2) Other projects and 2.8

- Currently Blender for OSX links to an Apple system library for 
quicktime (qtkit).
This has been deprecated for long, and will be removed from 
XCode 10.12.
We have to decide if we want to drop this, and make Blender for 
OS X use ffmpg for 
all codecs.

- Julian Eisel uploaded custom manipulators patch for review
Code docs

- Mike Erwin is in Amsterdam, with Dalai Felinto and others 
he will do design sessions
on the 2.8 viewport. Expect interesting logs and docs!

