
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Using nethogs like top command .

NetHogs is a net tool like command top but show us bandwidth by process.

Now supported:

Shows TCP download- and upload-speed per process

Supports both IPv4 and IPv6

Supports both Ethernet and PPP

You can read and get archive from here.

Unarchive then use make and make install.

# ls
Changelog       decpcap.h         INSTALL      process.h
connection.cpp  decpcap_test      Makefile     README
connection.h    decpcap_test.cpp  nethogs.8    README.decpcap.txt
conninode.cpp   DESIGN            nethogs.cpp  refresh.cpp
conninode.h     devices.cpp       nethogs.h    refresh.h
cui.cpp         devices.h         packet.cpp
cui.h           inode2prog.cpp    packet.h
decpcap.c       inode2prog.h      process.cpp
# make
# make install 
install -d -m 755 /usr/local/sbin
install -m 755 nethogs /usr/local/sbin
install -d -m 755 /usr/local/share/man/man8/
install -m 644 nethogs.8 /usr/local/share/man/man8/

After that you have this files:

# ls
Changelog       decpcap.c         inode2prog.h  packet.o
connection.cpp  decpcap.h         inode2prog.o  process.cpp
connection.h    decpcap.o         INSTALL       process.h
connection.o    decpcap_test      Makefile      process.o
conninode.cpp   decpcap_test.cpp  nethogs       README
conninode.h     DESIGN            nethogs.8     README.decpcap.txt
conninode.o     devices.cpp       nethogs.cpp   refresh.cpp
cui.cpp         devices.h         nethogs.h     refresh.h
cui.h           devices.o         packet.cpp    refresh.o
cui.o           inode2prog.cpp    packet.h

Can you use now binary nethogs to run it.

The binary # ./decpcap_test not working on my system.

I don't know what is the reason.